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Intro to Pipetting

Hello, Genetic Engineering Heroes!

Welcome to the world of micropipettes. As you continue to do more and more advanced experiments, it becomes important to move small volumes of liquids around accurately. To do so, you will be using micropipettes (often just called pipettes), just like your favourite scientists do!

To help you learn the basics of pipetting, from what is a pipette, to how to use it, all the way to measuring your accuracy, we have created a beginner-friendly tools for you:

Introduction to Micropipettes video An intro to micropipettes video that details what micropipettes are, what they are used for, how to pipette liquids, common pipetting pitfalls, and a brief overview of the  "Beat the Robot or Prof" pipetting exercise.
Intro to Micropipette video quiz  Open this quiz in a separate tab and complete it as you watch the Introduction to Micropipettes video or afterwards. This quiz will help you make sure you understand and are ready to start pipetting.

Name that part! diagram: Google quiz or printout

Fill-in the blanks to test your pipette anatomy knowledge. Available as an online quiz or a printout. Contact us for the printout answer key.
Pipette-it Kit instructions
Use these instructions to complete a learn-to pipette activity using the Pipette-it Kit or your own tubes, a 3 decimal point scale and a micropipette set which includes a P100 pipette ( for volumes of 10.0 uL to 100.0 uL) and P1000 pipette (for volumes of 100 uL to 1,000 uL).
"Beat the Robot or Prof" pipetting exercise spreadsheet
Use this spreadsheet to measure your pipetting accuracy. You will need a copy of this spreadsheet as part of the Pipette-it Kit activity (the link will prompt you to create a copy automatically.)