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100k BioEngineers in 100 Days Challenge

 Amino Labs and The BioBuilder Educational Foundation challenge you to become a Virtual Bioengineer.

Already a #VBio? Challenge your friends and family!

Genetic engineers produce medicine, food, fuel, household products and now materials. There are genetically engineered consumer products in the hands of hundreds of millions of people each day, and this will continue to increase. We depend heavily on these "bio-products" and it is vital that we learn about the technology. We challenge you to become a Virtual Bioengineer!


 How to Participate

1. Accept the Challenge!  Its easy! Doing genetic engineering is like cooking. If you can make pancakes, you can do this challenge. Using your computer move to step 2!  (only takes 20 minutes) 

Are you a Teacher or Group Leader ? Sign up to take the Challenge with your group (at anytime during the semester). 

Sign up to the Challenge!

2. Do the Challenge - Use Virtual Bioengineer, a simulation game, to genetically engineer E. coli bacteria to change color or produce scent (you choose!). 

Launch in Browser (15-30 sec for loading)

*Virtual Bioengineer is not optimized for touch enabled devices. Try a lite version on mobile

 3. Download and print your Virtual Bioengineer certificate at the end of the simulation, fill it out, and put it on the fridge! Or, hand it to your teacher - you could get extra credit !

4. Rally your teachers, friends, family, and peers to complete the challenge to amplify better understanding of genetic engineering

  • Share the #100Kbio campaign page over social media 

  • Share the #100Kbio Challenge using email