Gel Electrophoresis Kit: Draw with DNA

Do you need 25x TAE tank buffer?
About the Gel Electrophoresis Kit: Draw with DNA

Draw using DNA with this Gel Electrophoresis Kit - a fun, engaging, and educational way to learn the basics! With this kit, you will assemble a 5x5 grid of differently-sized DNA fragments, allowing you to explore the science of electrophoresis as you uncover the secrets of DNA technology. Provided in the kit are DNA parts of 5 different sizes that, when run through a gel, will run five different distances. The shortest DNA parts are the smallest and will run the fastest, while the longest DNA parts will run the slowest.

From a hands-on perspective, you’re going to: 

  1. Make molten agarose gel by mixing agarose powder with 1x TAE buffer and boiling it to dissolve the agarose powder. This will be similar to making LB agar for growing cells, except as you’ll see you don’t have to worry about it foaming over!

  2. You’ll set up your gel cast and pour your molten agarose into the cast, making sure to add the comb. You’ll let it cool and gel.

  3. You’ll disassemble your cast, carefully remove the comb, and place the gel into the electrophoresis tank.

  4. You’ll fill your electrophoresis tank with 1x TAE buffer. The buffer should be just barely over the gel. You’ll see the gel wells (created by the comb) fill with TAE buffer.

  5. You’ll practice your pipetting by loading the gel with the provided DNA parts to form an image

  6. You’ll then put the lid on your electrophoresis tank, turn on your power supply, and run your gel at a voltage between 80 and 130 volts. The higher the voltage, the faster it runs. But sometimes running at a high voltage will cause your samples to blur!

  7. Take pictures of your samples and interpret the data/image. 

We recommend this kit as a follow up to the Gel Electrophoresis Kit: Natural vs Synthetic Dyes

    What will you learn?

    • Create an agarose gel
    • learn what a % w/v measurements is
    • create molten agarose gel with fluorescent probe
    • create the gel cast
    • pour the gel
    • insert the comb
    • allow to solidify

    • Add different size of DNA parts to the wells
    • Mix DNA parts with loading buffer
    • Run a gel
    • Visualize the gel
    • Analyze your results (optional)

    From a conceptual standpoint, you’re going to:
    • Learn directly that DNA of different sizes run through the gel at different speeds
    • How to translate a proposed model (your picture) into an experimental workflow (choose which DNA parts you need and mix them together)
    • Learn that an agarose gel, while it looks clear, is a tight mesh of carbohydrate molecules that can be used to separate other molecules or gain insights into the physical properties of molecules or mixtures.
    • Learn that you can apply a voltage across your electrophoresis tank, with a positive charge at one end and a negative charge at the other.
    • Learn that negatively charged molecules will get pulled through the agarose gel toward the positive electrode.

    What's included?

    All the tubes, DNA and buffers you need to complete the exercise 4 times or by 4 lab groups

    What else is needed?

    To complete this experiment, you will also need:

    • Gel electrophoresis equipment:
    • power supply with a voltage of ~50-100 V
    • electrophoresis tank with wires that connect to the
    • power supply
    • gel casts
    • well combs (6+ tooth comb)
    • Access to a microwave
    • Blacklight flashlight, transilluminator, or blacklight lightbox
    • 4 L Distilled water from store (recommended buy a 4L / 1-gallon jug for general lab use)
    • Pipette and tips:
    • a micropipette with a 0.5 uL to 10 uL range or similar (you will need to pipette liquids in increments of 2 uL)
    • 1 box of tips that fits your micropipette.

    Cleaning and safety supplies are not included in the kit. Necessary safety and cleaning supplies are latex or nitrile gloves, and a chlorinated bleach cleaner or a 10% solution of chlorinated bleach in a spray bottle (you can make this by adding 9 parts water to 1 part bleach in a spray bottle). You can add a Mini Safety Set to your kit which includes gloves and a reusable plastic apron to protect your clothes.

    For more information about safety, set up and clean up, you can have a look at the instruction manual for the experiment linked in the Ressources section below, and at the "Practicing safe science" page.

    Storage & Shipping

    Shipping Times

    Experiment kits are shipped 1-10 working days after you place your order. If you require yours for a specific date or event, please contact us before or with your order # so that we can try to make it happen for you! ☺︎ 


    Upon arrival place this kit in a refrigerator and the Freezer bag in the freezer

    For any questions, don't hesistate to reach out to us - contact us

    Your kit's resources