Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Refill (8 gels)

About Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Refill

This Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Refill provides everything you need to make 8 agarose gels so that you can run your own experiments.

Please note you will need to provide your own samples to run through the gel as they are not provided with the kit. 


What will you learn?

Use this Refill with one of our Gel Electrophoresis experiment to make 8 more gels or with the PCR-it kit.

What's included?

The kit contains a pre-measured agarose powder, TAE buffer solution and a reusable beaker to complete the task quickly and accurately

What else is needed?

This is only an agarose gel making kit to create 8 agarose gels, not a full experiment. (No DNA or samples to run in the gel are included.)

Cleaning and safety supplies are not included in the kit. Necessary safety and cleaning supplies are latex or nitrile gloves, and a chlorinated bleach cleaner or a 10% solution of chlorinated bleach in a spray bottle (you can make this by adding 9 parts water to 1 part bleach in a spray bottle). You can add a Mini Safety Set to your kit which includes gloves and a reusable plastic apron to protect your clothes.

For more information about safety, set up and clean up, you can have a look at the instruction manual for the experiment linked in the Ressources section below, and at the "Practicing safe science" page.

Storage & Shipping

Shipping Times

Experiment kits are shipped 1-10 working days after you place your order. If you require yours for a specific date or event, please contact us before or with your order # so that we can try to make it happen for you! ☺︎ 


Upon arrival place this kit in a refrigerator.

For any questions, don't hesistate to reach out to us - contact us

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